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Supervisory Framework

Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) on Conditional registration are required to work under supervision and with an institution which have demonstrated that the supervision systems and structures are in place and are compliant with the prevailing Supervised Practice Guidelines as listed below: 

  1. For Diagnostic Radiographer and Radiation Therapist, click here [PDF, 214KB].
  2. For Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Speech-Language Therapist, click here [PDF, 247KB].

Such institutions must fulfil the following:

  1. Minimally have at least 2 full time Fully registered supervisory grade staff in the relevant professions;
  2. Have clear policies for training and development, performance management, peer review structures in place for multi-rater reviews; and
  3. A proper system to manage complaints and adverse feedback received against the registered AHP.

Submission of Supervisor Assessment Reports

All conditionally registered AHPs are required to submit Supervisor Assessment Reports (SARs) to the AHPC for review. Please take note of the following when submitting your SARs.

·       All SARs are to be submitted to the Secretariat via email (You may either email the SARs to or directly to the officer in charge)
·       You would have to submit the SARs in PDF format
·       All documents should be attached in a single email for easy tracking
·       Total size of all documents should be kept within 2MB
·       Please ensure that the documents are duly acknowledged by the relevant parties

Please approach the Secretariat if you require the word version of the SARs.

Change of Supervisor(s), employer or employment arrangements for AHPs under Supervision

Conditionally registered AHPs (C-Reg) must notify the AHPC in writing at least 1 month in advance and obtain AHPC’s approval before implementing any change of supervisor(s), employer or employment arrangements (e.g. change from full-time to part-time practice, rotations to other positions). You may do so by emailing to or directly to any officer in charge.

C-Regs leaving their organisations are required to inform the AHPC on the day they tender their resignation and update the Council of their last working day

The table below summarises the information and/or documents which the AHPC requires for processing of the various changes for Conditionally registered AHPs.

Type of change

Documents to be submitted

Change in Reporting Supervisor(s)


  • AHP and Employer to email AHPC within 2 weeks of the date of the letter of resignation or the last working day, whichever is earlier
  • Supervisor to submit supervisor assessment reports (SF3, SF4) and supervision log (SF6) up to C-Reg's last working day
Change in Employer
  • The intended date for the change to take effect;
  • The name and address of new employer;
  • Details of the new employment arrangement (Full time or part time employment. Please state the work hours/week for part time employment);
  • A copy of the new employment letter; and
  • An Undertaking by Supervisor (Form SF2) [PDF, 149KB] to be completed by the supervisor(s) from the new employer
Change in Employment Status
(from part time to full time and vice versa)
  • Letter from HR or employer indicating the change
  • Supervisor Assessment Report (SF3)
  • Supervision Log (SF6)

Failure to do so amounts to non-compliance with the AHPC's Supervised Practice Guidelines and the conditions of the conditional registration.

Please note that AHPC will not approve the changes if the new arrangements do not meet the supervised practice requirements for the AHP’s registration.
If there is a change in employer or place of practice, the AHP on Conditional registration must revert to first month L1 supervision while on Conditional registration and submit a Supervisor Assessment Report after completing the first month L1 supervision with his new employer. The AHPC will advise on the period and level of supervision required after the review of the supervisor assessment reports.