Senior Residency Training in Geriatric Medicine

Geriatric Medicine is a 3-year Internal Medicine (IM)-related Senior Residency training programme following the completion of the 3-year IM Residency Training Programme. For details on eligibility criteria and compulsory courses, please refer to the section on Internal Medicine-related specialties.

The duration of residency training accredited by ACGME-I and that required for exit certification by the Specialists Accreditation Board is listed in the following table. Where the duration for accreditation exceeds that of ACGME-I, the remaining time will be accredited by the Joint Committee on Specialist Training (JCST). 

 Specialty Duration of training accredited by ACGME-I for residency programme (mths)   Total duration of training in Singapore (mths)
Geriatric Medicine
24 (24) + 12

Training Requirements Document


Training Requirements

Geriatric Medicine

Geriatric Medicine Residency Training Requirements

Singapore Country Addendum to the ACGME-I Advanced Specialty Requirements

The Singapore Country Addendum to the ACGME-I Advanced Specialty Requirements prescribes specialty-specific programme requirements applicable to residency programmes in Singapore as discussed with the ACGME-I and the Singapore Residency Advisory Committees (RAC).

Read together with the ACGME-I Advanced Specialty Requirements, they represent the requirements of graduate medical education in the specialties listed.


ACGME-I Specialty-Specific Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education



II. B. 2

Long Term Care Facilities

Intermediate and Long Term Care Facilities

In Singapore, sub acute care and rehabilitation of the elderly take place in community hospitals, while long term residential care are provided in nursing homes. Geriatricians input to community hospitals will increase.

II. B. 2 (a)

The program must be affiliated with one or more long-term care facilities, such as a skilled nursing facility or a chronic care hospital

The program must be affiliated with one or more intermediate/long term care facilities, such as a community hospital or nursing home

V. B. 14.

Topics of special interest......osteoporosis, fractures, functional impairment....

Topics of special interest.....osteoporosis, fractures, frailty, functional impairment....

To add the topic ‘frailty’ which is gaining importance in elderly care

Exit Criteria


Current Exit Examinations / Assessments

Geriatric Medicine 
  • Clinical case assessment
  • Paper critique
  • Oral assessment