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Eligibility and Role of a Supervisor


During the period of provisional registration, all provisional registered practitioners are required to appoint a supervisor. The choice of supervisor must:

    a. Be a practitioner holding full registration in the respective profession (refer to Table 1);
    b. Possess a minimum of 3 years’ full-time working experience;
    c. Under full-time employment and works at the same workplace as the supervisee (i.e. same company and practising outlet); 
    d. Must not have any direct personal relationship with the supervisee either by spousal or first-degree relatives (parents, full siblings and children); and
    e. Attend the supervisory framework briefing prior or during the period of undertaking.  

Table 1: Supervision allowed:

Supervisor (Full registration) Supervisee
Optometrist May supervise the following temporary/conditional/provisional practitioner:  
i.      Optometrist
ii.     Optician (Refraction and Dispensing)
iii.    Optician (Dispensing)  

- Optician (Contact Lens Practice)

- Optician (Refraction &  Dispensing)

May only supervise the following temporary/conditional/provisional practitioner: 

i.     Optician (Refraction and Dispensing)
ii.    Optician (Dispensing) 

Optician (Dispensing)

May only supervise the following temporary/conditional/provisional practitioner: 

i.    Optician (Dispensing)

Supervisor's Role

The appointed supervisor is responsible for:

  1. Providing adequate supervision and guidance to the supervisee during the period of his/ her provisional registration; 

  2. Assisting in co-managing the supervisee’s patients professionally as his/ her own;

  3. Vetting and signing-off supervisee’s cases gathered under the framework;

  4. Ensuring that supervisee’s conduct and practice is befitting of the profession and adhering to the Board’s Code of Professional Conduct and Professional Practice Guidelines for Optometrists and Opticians;  

  5. Conducting a progress assessment with supervisee on his/her performance at prescribed intervals using the supervisor’s report template and submit on a timely manner as required by the Board.

The appointed supervisor is allowed to have more than 1 workplace, but the principal workplace must be the same as supervisee.  At any time, the supervisor can only accept up to a maximum of 3 supervisees
in total.

In the event that the appointed supervisor is away from work for a period of more than a month (e.g. taking long leave), resigns or is unable to continue his/her supervisory duties, he/she shall be responsible to: 

  1. Recommend a covering supervisor to the supervisee(s) for appointment;

  2. Update the Board with any supporting documents at least two weeks before the absence for record;

  3. Ensure that his/her supervisory duties is handed over to the newly appointed supervisor; and

  4. Supervisee should stop practising optometry/ opticianry immediately if the appointment of the new supervisor is not completed/ choice of supervisor is not approved.