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Display of Qualification

Under Optometrists and Opticians (Practice, Conduct, Ethics and Publicity) Regulations, use of qualifications entered in registers and approved titles, etc.

No registered person shall -

(a) use, exhibit or publish in any card, letter, stationery, nameplate, signboard, placard, circular, handbill or any notice displayed at any premises used by him for his practice of optometry or opticianry, as the case may be, any qualification other than a qualification entered under his name in Register of Optometrists or the Register of Opticians, as the case may be, or which has been approved by the Registrar for the use of the registered person; or

(b) use any title, addition or designation relating to, or in connection with, the practice of optometry or opticianry, as the case may be, other than the title, addition or designation which has been approved b the Registrar for the use of the registered person.

Criteria for Display of Additional Qualifications

Optometrists and Opticians will only be allowed to display qualifications that are entered against their name in their respective professional register. Qualifications allowed for display are as follows:

  1. Formal qualifications (e.g. post-graduate diplomas, advanced diplomas, Masters, PhDs) obtained from bona fide universities that are in OOB’s gazetted list of institutions, and demonstrating acquisition of advanced skill sets and/or research in the relevant profession’s clinical practice;
  2. Formal post-graduate qualifications pertaining to optometric related or research skills; and
  3. Please note that honorary titles will not be approved for display. The qualification must be based on training courses.

In addition, the qualification must meet the following criteria:

  1. Qualifications must be from a formal postgraduate programme from a university or college in order to be considered eligible for display;
  2. Qualifications should be relevant to the area of practice of the applicant (optometry/opticianry);
  3. Qualifications should be awarded after a programme of training, study or research in an area relevant to the professional’s practice (minimum full-time equivalent of one year);
  4. Qualification must have minimum entry criteria into the programme; and
  5. Qualifications should demonstrate that the holder possesses a more extensive knowledge in relevant to the professional’s practice.
  6. If this course of studies is conducted partially in Singapore, it must fulfil the requirements as regulated by CPE (Committee of Private Education).

Online Submission of Application

Optometrists and Opticians professional can apply with the OOB to have their qualifications entered against their name in the Register by submitting an online application for the Display of Additional Qualifications with the following documents:

A. A copy of your qualification and transcripts (to be uploaded with your online application).

B. An original letter of verification (LV) to be email to the OOB directly from the awarding institution at using the conferring institution's official email or mail to OOB's correspondence address. LVs must be printed on the letterhead of issuing authorities/ conferring institutions and contain the following information:

• Name of graduate;
• Date of entry into programme; and
• Date of graduation/ conferment; and
• Title of qualification conferred; and
• Medium of instruction for the programme.

Or if online verification is available on the institution official website, applicant must email the verification link and provide the following details:

• Name of graduate (as printed in your qualification);
• Date of entry into programme; and
• Title of qualification conferred; and
• Other information necessary for verification.

Please note that OOB shall not be responsible for any payments incurred by the applicant and/or interested parties arising from the request of LVs.

D. Any documents in foreign language shall be submitted together with the certified English translations and original copies of the documents.

E. A non-refundable application fee of $50 per postgraduate qualification.

Each application is restricted to apply for display of one additional qualification only. Please submit separate applications if you have more than one additional qualification to make.

Outcome of Application

OOB would only processed an application with complete documents and payment, processing time will be 3-4 weeks.

Successful applicants will receive an official notification from OOB. Applicant will be scheduled an appointment for the Board to verify your original qualification certificate and transcript(s).

Only additional qualifications approved by the Board will be listed in the online register-search by members of public.

Only registrable qualification will have their qualification reflected on their new registration certificate and online register-search by members of public.